
Other Resources

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We've created this site as a wiki so that teachers could add their own pages with Widgets-related alternate lesson plans, ideas for extending or modifying the course, recommended links to online resources, prepared sharable files for others to download, and any other open and freely-sharable resource along those lines. Therefore, if you have a resource you'd like to recommend, please link to it below.

Note that we reserve the right to edit or remove contributions which we feel are not suitable for this wiki, or which do not fit with the Widgets course concept. Please read our User Guidelines if you are not sure what is appropriate.

Indiegogo crowdfunding site (Stage 2, 5)

Indiegogo is a crowdfunding site which features thousands of product ideas which are continuously being pitched by aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses. Some of the short product pitch videos that go along with each idea are excellent models for the Stage 2 Elevator Pitch or the Stage 5 Video Commercial tasks.

Kickstarter crowdfunding site (Stage 2, 5)

Another popular crowdfunding site is Kickstarter. It also contains many high quality videos and written product pitches which can help inspire your students. In fact, Atama-ii Books, the publishing company behind Widgets Inc., was itself launched as a Kickstarter campaign in 2014.

Student online CV sample (Stage 6)

This is a sample student job hunting portfolio page. Job hunting portfolios are a fairly new idea in Japan. But just having one will help you stand out from all the other candidates for a job. Shared by M. Helgesen, Miyagi Gakuin Women's University.

Widgets Internship Certificate of Completion (Stage 6, End)

Download this editable PDF to print for your students at the end of the course. We recommend using a color printer and card or premium paper stock for the best effect.

Atama-ii logo2.png